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        3 min read

        Introducing Pelvic Floor Exercise Programming: Impactful Results For Every Stage of Life

        Introducing Pelvic Floor Exercise Programming: Impactful Results For Every Stage of Life

        Pelvic floor disorders (PFD) are very common and can occur at any age. A recent study, conducted by The University of Iowa College of Medicine, found that at least 32% of women analyzed had a PFD, most commonly in the form of urinary incontinence, bowel incontinence, pelvic pain, pelvic organ prolapse, or some combination of the above. 

        Pelvic floor issues are not just impacting individuals who have given birth. Studies suggest a significant percentage of women with pelvic floor disorders have never been pregnant. 

        This high prevalence has led to a spike in awareness around the importance of pelvic floor health. Google searches for “pelvic care” have increased by 62% over the past five years alone. During that same time, we’ve seen a growing appetite amongst our members for a solution that addresses this issue.

        That’s why HealthJoy is excited to expand HealthJoy Virtual MSK Therapy to include Pelvic Floor Exercise Therapy. Our MSK solution has provided members with quick, effective pain relief for years, and with this latest expansion, program participants can get life-changing relief from a wide range of symptoms associated with PFDs. 

        Register for our upcoming Pelvic Floor Exercise Therapy Webinar for HealthJoy clients and their employees on Wednesday, December 13 at 1 PM CT.

        Register Now

        What is a Pelvic Floor Disorder?

        PFDs include bladder control problems, bowel control problems, and pelvic organ prolapse. These occur because your pelvic floor is not performing one or more of its duties: support, continence, stability, sexual wellness, and circulation. Most dysfunction occurs because pelvic floor muscles are too tight, too weak, or a combination of both.

        Common symptoms to look out for: 

        • Pain during or after sex
        • Pain in the lower abdomen
        • Incontinence (bladder or bowel)
        • Pain with a full bladder or while peeing
        • The feeling of needing to pee but the inability to empty your bladder

        How Common are Pelvic Floor Disorders?

        • At least one in three women will experience a PFD in their lifetime. 
        • One in four women older than 20 suffers from pelvic floor symptoms like urine or stool leakage.
        • One in five women will need to undergo surgery to treat a pelvic floor disorder. 30% of them face the risk of needing repeat surgery.

        These stats illustrate not only the prevalence but also the importance of ongoing, consistent movement and preventive exercise therapy. 

        What is Pelvic Floor Exercise Therapy? 

        Pelvic floor exercise therapy helps treat the pelvic floor — a group of muscles that form across the floor of your pelvis and connect with surrounding tissues to help keep your pelvic organs in place (bladder, uterus, intestines, and more).

        The Effects are More Than Physical

        Unfortunately, the problems caused by pelvic floor dysfunction extend beyond physical discomfort. 

        According to the National Library of Medicine, "women who have pelvic floor dysfunction can also have high levels of depression and anxiety, and experience low mood and emotional distress.” The compounding effects of these physical and emotional issues can leave those affected searching for answers.

        Restoring Pelvic Health, Providing Hope 

        Restoring or maintaining the strength of the pelvic floor can be complex, especially while managing symptoms, pre- or postpartum health, and other health conditions or life changes.

        Pelvic Floor Exercise Therapy follows our existing Virtual MSK Therapy model, using neurological science for maximum results. 

        Participants can now complete coach-led exercises that treat the group of muscles that form across the floor of your pelvis and connect with surrounding tissues to help keep your pelvic organs — such as the bladder, uterus, intestines, etc. — in place. 

        It’s simple to do, easy to access, and focused on quick relief. We designed the program our members deserve — one that empowers them to feel confident in their pelvic health at every step and age in life. 

        The HealthJoy Difference 

        For years, HealthJoy’s coach-led virtual exercise therapy has addressed chronic pain in just 15 minutes a day.

        The program is designed to keep members coming back:

        • No equipment necessary
        • Easy access from the comfort of their homes
        • Full sessions take only 15 minutes per day
        • No cost to members. Programming is completely free as part of their employee benefits.

        Participants love the program and on average report:

        • 82% pain reduction
        • 95% member satisfaction 
        • 85% function improvement
        • $2,572 in savings

        Many participants see results even when other treatments such as physical therapy and invasive, expensive procedures have failed.

        By adding pelvic floor programming into the Virtual MSK Therapy offering, we hope to be able to deliver the same life-changing results and savings that thousands of members with joint pain have seen. 

        At HealthJoy, we’re here for our members no matter the need. Our team couldn’t be more excited to provide this program to members and help in the fight for improved pelvic health!

        For more information on the Pelvic Floor Exercise Therapy program, please follow the link below.

        Learn More

        Expanded Programming, Impactful Results: HealthJoy’s Q4 Product Updates

        Expanded Programming, Impactful Results: HealthJoy’s Q4 Product Updates

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        [New Study] HealthJoy's Brain-Based Approach to Chronic Pain Results in Improvements Far Exceeding Traditional Methods

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